
Have you ever heard about the thing called MikuMikuDance or in short MMD?
It's kind of a freeware which is downloadable! And it's a good way to start 3-D making.. I'm getting used with it, and wow, it really gives out that satisfied feeling!

Models are distributed as a freeware too, so you can download them easily. My recommendation? I recommend models by Lat, this is because it was soo awesome, and now I'm using them. You can also edit your own models at Animasa. (Never tried it though..)

MMD is like making an RPG game. The stages can also be downloadable and also skydomes, background and several things. Well, tutorials are found in Youtube, and the rest.. well, get creative and press every button you can~ XD!

I have fun~ Hik.. Ja nee~!
