Personal : Thoughts Entry
Psht this blog has become entirely my own personal spot ahah
Hello there. Assalamualaikum.
Peace to be upon you.
Upon arriving to the month of May, comes the trial of us undergraduates. UPU RESULTS.
And I have yet to stress on how important this word is, because for others, it's basically the only way for them to continue higher education without burdening their parents too much - to probably ensure a successful future, getting a proper job and possibly a happier life.
Now, what if I tell you.
What if I tell you that among those undergraduates, there is one person.
One person who got an offer, but is not going to accept it and decided not to go to her second and third option either.
What would you think of that person?
"That's such a waste!"
"You had such great results for SPM!"
"What are you going to do with your life?"
Heck, I do wonder what I am going to do with life too.
Will it be hard, I wonder? Setting off to get a job at the age of 18 with no qualification whatsoever. Holding a torn SPM results slip in hand, facing the scary, scary world. Would I be able to face it I wonder? Will I be able to survive by myself, I wonder?
If I really did that, I would basically be literally a college dropout.
And it's just imaginative thinking to wish for some chance to come upon we, and hand me over a miraculous second chance. It might not come at all.
I live with a belief.
A belief, that no matter what happens, Allah will be there to help.
But I also believe that good things only come to good people.
Am I good enough for good things to come to me?
"I don't know."
And among all words, those fear me a lot.
Will anyone listen to my story I wonder. To what will happen to this random person in one corner of the world.
Will happiness find its way to her?
I guess we can only wait and see.
Take care.
Assalamualaikum, and peace to be upon you.