Workplace Isolation

Workplace isolation is a common experience faced by women in the workplace, especially those who are in the technology and engineering sector. This situation causes them to feel anxious and pressured while working, and the slow progress towards gender equality in most companies does not make it any better. In order to improve this, several measures can be taken to diminish the barrier holding women back, achieving the progress of banishing workplace isolation. One of these measures include making sure that there is at least two women in a workplace. Teams could be assembled to consist of several women rather than having one women on every team. Processes for making promotions and filling vacancies should also be reviewed, while the CEO transition period can be used to improve the proportion of women in management. Obtaining gender parity in the workplace differs from one industry to another, but efforts are being made by worldwide companies to change the status quo. These efforts can continue to be motivated by building strength in numbers.
(171 words)

A summary written from the original article :

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Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash
