What Does The Future Awaits?
It feels like it has been ages since I last made a blog post, and truth to be told, that seems to be actually the case! I have been focusing on doing so many things that I think will benefit me in the future, but it seems like a portion of me is forgetting the me that is living in the present. Wah- that shouldn't be the case. I wouldn't be able to live happily that way.
Lately, I have been worrying about what my future looks like. It's a pointless thing to be worried about, but when you start to overthink, it's one of those topics that your mind tend to venture to due to its complexity. The more complex a thought is, the more the mind gets attracted to it. It's as if the mind is a foolish adventurer who goes to places they know fairly well will bring them to a point of no return.
But when those things happen though, one of the things I like to do is to write down my thoughts. I find writing on paper to be the most therapeutic but, now that I'm spending more and more time on public transportation, I have to make do with typing them down. And as much as I fear sharing my thoughts in such a public space like the Internet, a part of me wonders how it felt when I was younger, when oversharing was nothing more than a daily routine to complete a day.
What a beauty it is to be able to write. To be able to express one's thoughts of something as profound as the world we're living in. To think there was a time when it was not possible, to think there are still times when it's not doable, brings a kind of pain in my heart I could never describe.
As much as I would love to continue writing, it is almost time for my destination- in which I have to probably put down my phone and proceed to my journey back home. And if I ever save this post in the drafts, one should know that it probably would no longer see the light of day over the level of procrastination I hold in my day-to-day life. And so, I mark this sentence as the end of my drabble for today, and wishing it will somehow hold a value to myself when time passes me by.
Until then. Until we meet again.
Credits : Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash