a little *yawn* and a thousand *blinks*

Oho, lookie.. Rin and Len with cat ears..! *slap* .. sorry.

 Anyways, from the title you can see that I'm actually, really, really, really, really... sleepy. But, I can't go to sleep! =.= (lie) Okay, fine.. I want to go to sleep but.. *mumble* *mumble*.. I don't want to! (I'm being ridiculous, I know)

 Anyways, from the post I have before, I had to thank RR desu :) for commenting. Sorry, I didn't reply though. ^ ^'' The truth is, I got into a fight with my best friend, so - yeah. Kinda in a bad mood. Anyways, we made up. Now to think that two days more is her birthday - I wonder what I should buy for her.

 Meow, just for once I wish I have savings. T T Mou~ I can't save! The ice-cream at school was tempting..

 Anyways, have you ever wanted to dream about something? Like, you wanted to be in an anime or stuff like that. Or, you wanted to meet with your long-distance boyfriend and all those stuffs? Or, being princess. (Wait - no, I didn't mean that I want those..! *blushes*)

Ah--whatever! Oh yeah. For those who actually visited my blog, I have to ask for forgiveness from all of you~ since it's overloaded with anime pics and all that stuff.

 Geez- I like writing. Don't get annoyed by that okay. Besides, one fact is that I talk REAL fast. =w='' Sorry.

 Ah, what was I DOING?! I haven't finished my homework! O.O!
