Life is getting weirder, weirder, weirder........ weirder, weirder, weirder.
*got all smacked up by alter ego*
Fine, fine. Look, recently - my life is full of different changes, and it irritates me. Starting to not show any emotion while talking, acting like it's not a joke even if it's realllyyyy funny? That is DEFINITELY not me. It's just that way you know..? I feel weird changing too, but bad moods are aftering me like from every corner. There, there and there.
It's just, *sigh*... look, when your friends got actually girly and stuff, talking about boyfriends, gossips, and stuff with the same meaning as that - I just can't catch up with it!
I mean, no! I can't! It's the stuffs that takes time to get used too, especially when you're not good in it - like me.
It doesn't mean that I don't understand all this girls talk and stuff, because it's mainly on boys, boys and boys..
Whatever, it's just that way. I'LL SURVIVE.