Self-Introduction Reflection Assignment
1. You have given a self-introduction of yourself. Write a short statement on your creative way of self-introduction. (3%)
My self-introduction consist of a salute and an announcement of how I’ve planned something but I end up not wanting to do it but to go impromptu instead. At first, I pointed out one thing is the fact that most of the times in my life, things do not go my way, but I always turn things around to get through it. I got to UniMy by chance, a place where I’ve never even considered before. I also told everyone on how my name, (my name here lol) is pretty rare and that it means ‘light of the people who believe in God’.
2. Among the many self-introductions given by your course mates, choose the most creative one, the one that makes you remember him/her the most, and write a short description on it. (3%)
For me, the most creative self-introduction was the one done by Justin. The PPAP song is immensely popular and widely mainstream, and despite it not being original, I feel that it was very creative of him to pick a well-known song in order to grasp the attention of the audience. I remember laughing so much I end up being in verge of tears. It was very memorable, and it makes me remember him the most.
3. After hearing so many versions of self-introductions, comment on your own way of self-introduction and describe how you can improve it. (2%)
In my opinion, my way of self-introduction was not too elaborate. I had a few ideas on how to do it, but I ended up not having the courage to thoroughly execute the plan. I believe that I would be able to improve it better by embracing the craze, and not to be afraid to express creativity as it is. I read an article that mentioned how people who create original, creative ideas are even more afraid to failing to try something they want to rather than actually failing. If I try to take this thought in consideration, I believe that I can be more creative in both my thoughts and plan execution.
4. Define creativity in your own words. (2%)
For me creativity is coming up with something that is engaging and attractive despite not being entirely original. Someone who is creative knows how to come up with something that will place an interest in the audience to pay attention to him/her. Being creative is to not just stick to the default but to venture out to other possible options around a certain topic or problem. What counts as ‘creativity’ may differ from a person to another, as it works around the differences of individuals in lifestyle, age group and such, but there is nothing to lose to try and break new grounds in pursuing creativity.
Cover Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash